🌸 父と子と聖霊のみ名によって。アーメン。 🌸

神への信頼から一日を始めましょう。 今日のルカの福音書は、イエスが契約を結び、私たちと共におられる最後の晩餐を語ります。「これを取りなさい」(マコ14:12a. 22-25)。「神は私たちのためにご自身を賜物とされ、神はこれを賜物として私たちにお与えになりました」(教皇フランシスコ)。
捧げる祈り… あなたの御手に私のすべてをおゆだねします。
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With Jesus in the morning
Offer your gifts
Begin the day with trust in God. Today Luke’s Gospel recounts Jesus’ last supper in which he seals his covenant and remains with us. “Take this is my body” (Mk 14:12a. 22-25). “God has made himself a gift for us, God has given us this as a gift” (Pope Francis).
You too can offer the gifts you have with the Lord: you joy, your generosity, the way you forgive; may you be able to offer whatever is necessary with confidence in God who can make of us bread broken for others. ” May Jesus sends us to heal the sick and to announce that the Kingdom of God is near. And this is the great news, that He is near, encouraging us to humanize life” (Step Nine The Way of the Heart).
Prayer of Offering… I place in your hands all that I am and have…
Mexico Team

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With Jesus during the day
Living in communion
Stop for a moment and breathe. How is the day going? In communion with others God’s dream is realized. “We are called to a faith that becomes a witness, that strengthens and tightens in it the bond between the life of grace – through the sacraments and ecclesial communion – and the apostolate in the world” (Pope Francis).
In the remainder of the day try to work in communion, bringing peace and serenity to any encounters with others. Pray that the religious in formation may live their vocation and service in communion with their brothers.
Pray the prayer of the month…
Mexico Team
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With Jesus in the night
At the close of the day
Quiet your heart and review the day. Thank the Lord for what you have experienced today. Do you recognize any special grace that you want to be thankful for?
Ask the Lord to grant you good rest and to guide you tomorrow to be the person He calls you to be tomorrow. Do not lose heart.
Pray an Our Father.
Team Mexico

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[1] 教皇による意向のために毎日3回祈る取り組みとして「祈祷の使徒」(教皇による祈りの世界ネットワーク)本部では2016年より “Click to Pray“(祈りのクリック)が始まりました。すなわち、日々のみ言葉と教皇による毎月の意向に合わせて、毎日、朝と日中と夕に祈る取り組みです。