🌸 父と子と聖霊のみ名によって。アーメン。 🌸

あなたは、この冒険と、主との深い友情を受け入れるために快適さを捨てるという挑戦を受け入れますか?「聖書が言うように、真の””キリストの僕””は””友””なのです」(教皇フランシスコ)。つまり、イエスが「御父から聞かれたこと”” を知らせた者であります。これは、親しみ、親密さ、親密さ、彼の心にできるだけ近いことを意味します。キリストとのこの親密さの中で成長するために、私たちはキリストの御言葉に飛び込み、秘跡の中でキリストと出会うよう招かれています」(教皇5『心の道』)。
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「イエスは、”私 “という境界線を越えて、”あなた “という境界線から人生を認識するようにと私たちを招いています;それは、勇気と勇気を必要とする一歩です、なぜなら、それは、主の生き方に従って生きるために、自分自身の安全保障と快適さを捨てることを意味するからです」(ステップ5『心の道』)。

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With Jesus in the morning
The treasure of heaven
In today’s Gospel, Jesus says: “Go and sell what you have and give the money to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come and follow me” (Mk 10:21). The detachment from the excess and the invitation to follow him is a daily task. “…to respond to the call and the mission that the Lord entrusts to each one of us in today’s world, with its wounds and its hopes, its challenges and its conquests” (Pope Francis).
Do you accept this adventure and the challenge of abandoning your comforts to embrace a deep friendship with the Lord? “It is thus that the true “servant of Christ”, as Scripture says, is a “friend”. That is, one to whom Jesus made known “what he heard from the Father.” This means familiarity, closeness, intimacy, being as close as possible to his heart. To grow in this intimacy with Christ we are invited to dive into his Word and to encounter Him in the Sacraments” (Pope Five The Way of the Heart).
Pray the prayer of offering that religious men and women may live this personal friendship with Christ.

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With Jesus during the day
The Call of Jesus
Let us pause in the day to calibrate our hearts and become aware of our actions and words of the day. Have we allowed Jesus to be present through them? Daily tasks are an opportunity to bear witness to the Lord’s passing.
“Jesus invites us to go beyond the very boundaries of the “I” to enter into perceiving life from the “you” and it is a step that requires courage and bravery, because it means abandoning one’s own securities and comforts to live according to His way of life” (Step Five The Way of the Heart).
Lord we want to continue to strengthen our personal encounter with You, in the remainder of the day we will keep You present in the center of what we live. We pray for those who are in the process of formation in their vocational calling: religious men and women and seminarians. We accompany them with our prayer.
Pray the monthly prayer.
Mexico Team
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With Jesus in the night
We close our day
As we have come to the end of the day, and are preparing ourselves to go over what we have experienced in our hearts. We recognize the graces that the Lord has given us today. How have we lived our familiarity and closeness with Christ? How have we reflected our friendship with Christ in our relationship with others?
We ask forgiveness for those moments in which the center of our decisions has been occupied by things that are not God, our egos, comforts, and this inordinate care of the way we look. Let us resolve to live tomorrow with our eyes fixed on the Lord, welcoming and responding to his friendship with fidelity. Lord, give us renewed courage!
Our Father.
Mexico Team

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[1] 教皇による意向のために毎日3回祈る取り組みとして「祈祷の使徒」(教皇による祈りの世界ネットワーク)本部では2016年より “Click to Pray“(祈りのクリック)が始まりました。すなわち、日々のみ言葉と教皇による毎月の意向に合わせて、毎日、朝と日中と夕に祈る取り組みです。