🌸 父と子と聖霊のみ名によって。アーメン。 🌸

この新しい一日を神に感謝し、イエスが今日あなたに語っておられることに耳を傾けてください: 「はっきり言っておく。あなたがたがわたしの名によって何かを父に願うならば、父はお与えになる。願いなさい。そうすれば与えられ、あなたがたは喜びで満たされる。」(ヨハネ16:23)。。今日の自分の人生を見て、自問してみよう: 今日は、父なる神さまに何を求める必要があるだろうか?御父の愛が必要な状況は?私の人生のどの部分に喜びが欠けているだろうか?そして、心の静寂の中で、あなたがとても必要としているものを神に求めなさい。「主よ、私の心に必要なものをお与えください」。
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一時停止し、今日あったすべての出会いを振り返ってください。行った場所、感じたこと、考えたこと、そして自問してください: あなたの喜びは完全でしたか?この問いを心に響かせてください。残りの一日をどのように生きたいですか?

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この言葉を心に響かせてください: 「神はあなたを愛している。あなたの人生に何が起ころうとも、決して疑わないでください。どんな状況にあっても、あなたは限りなく愛されているのです」(教皇フランシスコ)。この美しい真理から、明日をどのように生きたいかをイメージしてください。
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With Jesus in the morning
Ask for
Take a moment to thank God for this new day and listen to what Jesus tells you today: “Truly I tell you, whatever you ask the Father in my name, he will give you… Ask and you will receive, so that your joy may be complete” (Jn 16:23). Look at your life today and ask yourself: What do I need to ask the Father today? What situations need his love? In what areas of my life is joy lacking? And, in the silence of your heart, ask God for what you need so much. “Give me Lord, what my heart needs.”
“You can throw yourself safely into the arms of your divine Father, of that God who gave you life and who gives it to you every moment. He will hold you firmly” (Pope Francis). Confidently surrender yourself to the Lord as your begin your day. Pray the prayer of offering so that the formation of religious women and men may always be open to their human and affective dimension.
Team Mexico

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With Jesus during the day
Pause and review all the encounters you had today. The places you went, what you felt, what you thought, and ask yourself: Was your joy complete? Let this question resonate in your heart. How do you want to live the rest of the day?
Pray this afternoon for the sisters, religious and seminarians, especially for those who have shown you the presence, tenderness and mercy of God. Bring all of them to mind and remember how they have shown you God. Pray for them, that they may continue to make known the goodness of God, and that “they may grow in their vocational journey through a human, pastoral, spiritual and community formation, which will lead them to be credible witnesses of the Gospel” (Pope Francis).
Pray for them the prayer of the month that “in their life in community – a school of holiness – they may grow in their relationship with others”.
Team Mexico
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With Jesus in the night
Did I trust myself in your arms?
As this day comes to an end, take a deep breath and review what you have lived. Did you live the day trusting in the arms of the Father who gave you life and who gives it to you every moment? What happened in those moments?
Be grateful for all that you have lived, for the Lord has been present even when you have not been able to see Him clearly.
Let these words resound in your heart: “God loves you… Never doubt it, no matter what happens in your life. In any circumstance, you are infinitely loved” (Pope Francis). From this beautiful truth, visualize how you want to live tomorrow.
Our Father…
Team Mexico

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[1] 教皇による意向のために毎日3回祈る取り組みとして「祈祷の使徒」(教皇による祈りの世界ネットワーク)本部では2016年より “Click to Pray“(祈りのクリック)が始まりました。すなわち、日々のみ言葉と教皇による毎月の意向に合わせて、毎日、朝と日中と夕に祈る取り組みです。