Following webpage Click to Pray, let’s pray together and live with Jesus during the day!

今日一日を神にお捧げしましょう。教皇フランシスコはわたしたちに次のことを思い起こさせます。「聖パウロの多くの協働者のうち、アキラとプリスキラは、キリスト者の全共同体に対する奉仕に参与する結婚生活のすぐれた模範であり、彼らのような多くの信徒の信仰と福音宣教への貢献のおかげで、キリスト教が根付き、わたしたちのもとまで伝えられたのだということを、彼らは思い出させてくれます」。あなたの人生は、多くの実を結ぶようにと主がこの世界に植えられたブドウ畑です。「ある家の主人がぶどう園を造った」(マタイ21:33- 43)。あなたは、ブドウ畑が育つように、世話をしていますか。神の御国に対する奉仕のために、あなたの賜物を使っていますか。天におられる…
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With Jesus in the morning
Offer your day to God. Pope Francis reminds us that “among the many collaborators of Saint Paul, Aquila and Priscila stand out as models of a married life committed to the service of the entire Christian community and they remind us that thanks to the faith and commitment to evangelization of many lay people such as them, Christianity took root and has reached us.” Your life is a vineyard planted by the Lord in the world so that it will bear much fruit. ” There was a landowner who planted a vineyard” (Matthew 21:33-43). Do you take care of and make the vineyard grow? Do you put your gifts at the service of the Kingdom? Our Father…
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With Jesus during the day
Pause your day to give your heart a time to rest. The mission to which you are called is not to do many things, to fulfill apostolic tasks or plans. The mission from God is a calling to be with him and work with him where he is present and needs you. It is necessary for your heart to in tune with the Master to understand in depth what beats in that Heart, for whom it beats and where his mission is made concrete. Are you listening to the call or are you signing up for your own mission?
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With Jesus in the night
Take some time to be alone with Jesus. Take a deep breath and look within yourself. Have you maintained the joy and peace in your heart? Have you acted charitably with your neighbor? Do you need to apologize to God for something? Stay at peace in this moment and ask God to embrace you with his love. Write down a resolution for tomorrow as you end this day. Hail Mary…
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[1] 教皇による意向のために毎日3回祈る取り組みとして「祈祷の使徒」(教皇による祈りの世界ネットワーク)本部では2016年より”Click to Pray”(祈りのクリック)が始まりました。すなわち、日々のみ言葉と教皇による毎月の意向に合わせて、毎日、朝と日中と夕に祈る取り組みです。