Following webpage Click to Pray, let’s pray together and live with Jesus during the day!

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With Jesus in the morning
Like Aquila and Priscila (see Acts 18:2), be grateful for the new day and generously offer to the Lord what you receive from him. Jesus tells us, “Rejoice that your names are written in heaven” (Luke 10:17-24). Aquila and Priscila’s contribution to the mission of Christ was valued by the Apostle Paul. These spouses demonstrate that they have a heart full of faith in God and generosity to others, able to make room for those who, like them, experience the strangers. This sensitivity leads them to decentralise themselves to practice the Christian art of hospitality” (Pope Francis). The Lord also calls you to be a “living Eucharist,” broken bread to others. What do you have to offer to the mission of Christ? What do you feel called to do at this time? Our Father…
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With Jesus during the day
Take time to pause in your day and encounter the Lord. Collaborating in the mission of Christ is the result of a life of deep friendship with him lived through prayer. To collaborate with him it is necessary to know Jesus, walk with him, savor his word, his message, and know what his mission is and how to enact it. We do not follow him in our own way but with his way. That is why it is necessary to configure our heart to be in tune with his. Do you take time to enter into friendship with the Lord?
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With Jesus in the night
Close your eyes and take a deep breath. How do you feel in this moment? Ask Jesus to show you the little details of today. What moments were significant for you? Stop a moment to give thanks and meditate on those details. Begin tomorrow by remembering the love you have received, so that you can give it to others. Hail Mary…
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[1] 教皇による意向のために毎日3回祈る取り組みとして「祈祷の使徒」(教皇による祈りの世界ネットワーク)本部では2016年より”Click to Pray”(祈りのクリック)が始まりました。すなわち、日々のみ言葉と教皇による毎月の意向に合わせて、毎日、朝と日中と夕に祈る取り組みです。