Following webpage Click to Pray, let’s pray together and live with Jesus during the day!

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With Jesus in the morning
I thank the Lord for the beginning of this day. “The whole town came out to meet Jesus, and when they saw him they begged him to leave their district.” (Matthew 8:34). Sometimes I don’t let God enter my life, perhaps out of fear, laziness, or pride. Today, I ask God to help me to truly look at what happens in my heart throughout the day, so that I can live with more humility and joy. With the Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network, I offer my day that today’s families may be accompanied with love, respect and guidance. Hail Mary…
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With Jesus during the day
May my thoughts this afternoon be illuminated by the Holy Spirit, producing in me feelings of kindness, love of neighbor, satisfaction with life and gratitude for all the benefits I have received from God. May I be more productive and feel more satisfaction in everything I do. Acting with kindness, discipline and grounded in God, may my words be more consistent with my actions.
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With Jesus in the night
Take a few minutes to recollect what you experienced today. Close your eyes for a moment and take a deep breath. What moments have filled your heart with joy and peace? Whom have you helped today? Stay alone with Jesus for a few minutes. Tell the Lord about your worries give them all to him. Hail Mary…
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