Following webpage Click to Pray, let’s pray together and live with Jesus during the day!

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今日頂いた特別な恵みを神に感謝します。あなたの気持を見てみましょう。この一日悲しみや孤独を感じましたか?それらにどのように反応しましたか?困難な時のことを父なる神に話し、それを神に捧げましょう。神はそれらを良いものに変えることがお出来になります。 明日への決意をし、神にそれを進められるよう助けを求めましょう。アヴェマリア…
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With Jesus in the morning
On this very special day, the Solemnity of the Heart of Jesus, I thank you, Lord, for belonging to this family, the Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network, which seeks, through the challenges that the Holy Father entrusts to us, to live a compassionate mission for humanity. “Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am meek and humble of heart; and you will find rest for yourselves.” (Matthew 11:29). Help me to have a heart similar to the Heart of your Son, Jesus. I offer you my day for those that the Holy Father recommends in his intention for this month, that all those who suffer may find their way in life, allowing themselves to be touched by the Heart of Jesus. Glory Be…
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With Jesus during the day
God created us and loves us with a unique love. His love has no limits. It is not easy to understand God’s love for us. It is a love that we must welcome into our heart. It is a love that makes us overflow and extend it to others. God manifests his love every time he bends down and comes to meet us in his gestures of kindness, tenderness and compassion. This could be in the small and large miracles of everyday life. How have I communicated this love to others?
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With Jesus in the night
Give thanks to God for some special grace received today. Look at your feelings. Did you feel sadness or loneliness throughout the day? How did you react? Talk to God the Father about these difficult times and give them to him so that he can transform them into something beautiful. Make a resolution for tomorrow and ask God for help to carry it forward. Hail Mary…
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